Terms of Service - Dance Classes

Welcome to NK Dance Services LLC (hereinafter, “NK Dance Services”) and thank you for choosing our business for your Dance Instruction and Entertainment.

Our Mission at NK Dance Services is to celebrate, promote and preserve the beautiful Igbo culture…one dance step at a time.

The Journey of Igbo Land Through Dance (Hereinafter, “JoILT Dance”) is a special six week dance course where students visit igbo states / communities through dance. States in scope of this dance series are Abia, Anambra, Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo and Rivers State.

Students can either choose to join the six week program or ‘pay-as-you-go’ to attend specific weeks only.

Egwu Ngala dance series is a monthly dance program where the theme for each month focuses on building one of the nine key Igbo dance principles: Respect, Resilience, Confidence, Integrity, Excellence, Serving others, Authenticity, Unity and Hardwork.

Junior Classes are reserved for children aged 3-12 years old, while the standard classes are for children and adults 13 years and over.

Release of Liability

The student or the parent or guardian of a minor student named above (hereinafter “the Student”). Understands that there are known dangers and/or risks associated with the Student’s participation in the above-written program, including all practices, performances and activities associated with it. In consideration of the Student being allowed to participate in the program, the registrant hereby releases NK Dance Services, Kaosochi Ezigboh and/or volunteers from NK Dance Services from all claims, damages, actions, lawsuits or judgments that the Student may have or hereafter have arising out of the Student’s participation in the program.

Payment Policy

By registering and paying for NK Dance Services classes, events, services, or products, the registrant authorizes NK Dance services to charge their credit card or bank account in advance for all applicable fees incurred by them in connection with their chosen service and registration.

NK Dance Services request payment at the time of registration, in advance of the class. Once class payment has been submitted, there is a non-refund policy. No refunds are given for days when the student is not in attendance. At the discretion of the management, credit may be given toward future classes or lessons in special circumstances.

Non Sufficient Funds There will be a $35 fee charged for any returned checks or for non sufficient funds when transactions are withdrawn.

Cancellation of Classes If classes are canceled due to the fault of the company the time will be made up at a later date. NK Dance Services will not be financially liable for classes or dates canceled due to events beyond its reasonable control. NK Dance Services retains the right to adjust the advertised class schedule in the event of illness or other circumstances beyond its control such as bad weather.

Attendance Policy

Each class has a section where students learn a choreography, which is built upon from week to week. For students who have enrolled in the six week course, their attendance to all classes is crucial to ensure preparedness for the end-of-series performance.

Lateness Policy

Students are expected to arrive on time. Dance is a physical activity that requires the body to be warmed up in order to execute movement safely. Late students miss the proper warm-up and therefore may sustain an injury. Students should arrive on time to classes to allow for prompt beginning of the class and to prevent distraction to other students caused by late arrival.

Dress Code & Lost Property Policy

Students must wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the type of activity they will engage with during the dance class. Should the dance instructor deem the attire unsafe, NK Dance Services reserves the right to prevent the student from taking part in the activity, due to health and safety reasons.

NK Dance Services do not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen, although anything found will be placed in lost property.

Behavior Policy

The Student shall follow the Teacher’s instructions and are expected to behave in a polite manner. They are expected to listen and are discouraged from unnecessary talking. If a student is causing disruption to others’ learning they may be asked to leave the lesson.
Any unacceptable behavior from students and/or parents/carers will not be tolerated. Unacceptable behavior by students may result in exclusion from current and/or further activities. Parents or family members may be banned from premises, events and/or performances.

Anti-Bullying Policy

NK Dance Services recognize that every one has the right to enjoy a life free from bullying; therefore we will always take seriously all allegations of bullying and are committed to deal with it effectively when it does happen. We will always endeavor to work with students and parents to prevent it from happening.

Health and Safety

NK Dance Services take seriously their responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all participants, teachers, and volunteers; and takes appropriate measures to make sure the environment is safe for all.
Dance is as an active engagement as any sport, and whilst every effort is made to avoid them, injuries can happen. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained via any means other than a teacher’s negligence.

Appropriate Physical Contact Policy

Teaching dance is a physical activity and appropriate physical contact between students and teachers in class in essential to training. NK Dance Services recognize that such physical contact is a potentially complex area, and the company also fully recognizes its responsibilities for safeguarding students and teachers and for protecting their welfare.

The following principles and procedures are in place to fulfill the company’s obligations:
a. Contact by the teacher is made with a particular awareness of the needs of each individual to assist the dancer in correcting placement.
b. All teachers will treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care, and with due regard for the wishes of the student.
c. Contact will not involve force or the use of any instrument.
d. Teachers will be mindful of location and avoid situations where they are isolated from the student; a one to one class should be held in studios and dance areas with windows or with the parent/carer present.
e. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss any worries with any member of staff or an independent listener.
f. Both students and teachers should feel free to report any concerns to NK Dance Services’ staff.

Media Use Rights Permission

The Student grants unrestricted rights to NK Dance Services, for the publishing of photographs or recordings of the Student for commercial, promotion, competition, or other purposes. No personal information is ever used or linked to the photographs.


NK Dance Services will not disclose students’ contact information to third parties except where the law allows or requires, or where permission has been given to do so. NK Dance Services may contact the student individually about other carefully selected services provided by NK Dance Services which may be of interest to students.
NK Dance Services reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time for the benefit of the business, staff or participants.

Property Agreement

All class choreography and materials are the sole property of NK Dance Services and may not be used for personal purposes outside of class unless written permission has been received from NK Dance Services.

Expectations for All Students

Each week students and parents are expected to:
- Arrive early so class can start on time. - Arrive no more than 5 minutes early to class and must leave no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled class end time. - Arrive in the proper class attire and ready to begin. - Refrain from eating or drinking in the studio. - Silence or turn off electronic devices prior to the class start time. All phone calls must be taken outside of the dance class. - Refrain from wearing shoes in the dance studio. For safety reasons no socks are allowed, unless they are gripped socks.
- Refrain from bringing guests without prior approval from NK Dance Services, due to space limitations. Only parents of minors can observe classes.

Additional expectations for the parents of minors

Each parents are expected to:
- Arrive early so class can start on time. - Drop off children no more than 5 minutes early to class and must pick up child no later than minutes after the class ends. - Facilitate the needs of children who are not fully potty trained. It is the parents sole responsibility. View their child’s class seated please in the designated areas only.
- Be quiet and not disruptive to students or instructors while observing classes. Due to space limitations, we limit observers inside the studio to 1 person per family at a time. Others should wait in the waiting room or designated seats in the hallway. - Assist their child upon the instructors request.

General Note

Students attending Revolt Wellness Studios for the first time are required to sign a student waiver prior to the dance class. Waiver forms are available at https://revolve.net/student-waiver